
Buenas, aca Favio. La idea de crear este blog es tratar de hacerle llegar a todos lo fascinante de la física. Acá posteare libros, manuales, exámenes, todo lo posible. Aca pronto encontraras artículos sobre relatividad general, cosmología, mecánica clásica y cuántica, teoría de cuerdas, electromagnetismo, bueno todo (la física prácticamente abarca todo). Bueno saludos!

martes, 18 de enero de 2011

Joel L. Schiff, "The Laplace Transform: Theory and Applications"

Joel L. Schiff, "The Laplace Transform: Theory and Applications" 
S...r | 1999 | ISBN: 0387986987 | 233 pages | PDF | 1,1 MB


Provides a mathematically rigorous, yet readily accessible treatment of applications of Laplace transforms. Includes the Dirac delta function given a completely justifiable treatment in the context of the Riemann-Stieltjes integral. DLC: Laplace transformation.

"The book contains plenty of examples, exercises (with answers at the end) and a table of transforms.
The book is certainly a handsome introduction to the Laplae transform, by its clear representation well-suited for self-study."
Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde, March 2001

"This clearly written undergraduate textbook can be recommended to students and teachers of this subject, both in a mathematial and engineering context."
Newsletter of the EMS, issue 42, December 2001 

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