
Buenas, aca Favio. La idea de crear este blog es tratar de hacerle llegar a todos lo fascinante de la física. Acá posteare libros, manuales, exámenes, todo lo posible. Aca pronto encontraras artículos sobre relatividad general, cosmología, mecánica clásica y cuántica, teoría de cuerdas, electromagnetismo, bueno todo (la física prácticamente abarca todo). Bueno saludos!

domingo, 31 de octubre de 2010

The LaTeX Companion, Second Edition

Para mi el mejor y más completo libro sobre Latex. Muy buenos ejemplos, explica muy bien y está muy completo. Algo largo con sus 1120 págs o algo asi, pero vale la pena tenerlo como referencia al aprender este útil lenguaje.

The LaTeX Companion, Second Edition
Addison-Wesley Professional; 2nd edition | May 2, 2004 | ISBN-10: 0201362996 | 1120 pages | DJVU | 11.7 Mb


Provides expert advice on using Latex's basic formatting tools for creating all types of publications. Includes in-depth coverage of important extension packages for tabular and technical typesetting.

Learning LaTeX

Learning LaTeX
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics | December 1, 1997 | ISBN-10: 0898713838 | 94 pages | PDF | 2.7 Mb


Here is a short, well-written book that covers the material essential for learning LATEX without any unnecessary detail. It includes incisive examples that teach LATEX in a powerful yet abbreviated fashion. This is the handbook to have if you don't want to wade through extraneous material. This manual includes the following crucial features:
-numerous examples of widely used mathematical expressions;
-complete documents illustrating the creation of articles, reports, and overhead projector slides;
-troubleshooting tips to help you pinpoint an error;
-details of how to set up a bibliography and an index;
-information about LATEX resources available on the Internet. 

sábado, 30 de octubre de 2010

LATEX Notes: Practical Tips for Preparing Technical Documents

Kenneth J. Shultis, "LATEX Notes: Practical Tips for Preparing Technical Documents" 
Prentice Hall PTR | 1994 | ISSN: 0131209736 | PDF | 192 pages | 6,1 MB


A guide for engineers and scientists who are currently using LATEX, this volume provides recipes and tricks—including shortcuts and extensions not found elsewhere—for the most useful operation of LATEX for preparing technical documents. It is especially addressed to the needs of those who have mastered the basics of LATEX and who are ready to venture off the main LATEX highway to explore some of the less travelled paths afforded by this powerful typesetting program. Covers the full range of LATEX topics—fonts, text formatting and lists, formatting pages, math and equations, tables, graphics, large documents, useful styles, macros and miscellaneous tricks. For engineers and scientists who are currently using LATEX as a text programming language.

Lyx para windows

Lyx facilita muuchisimo el uso de el Tex pero tengan cuidado que los puede volver brutongos. Funciona para cuando ya manejas el lenguaje de Tex o estas apurado y quieres un buen resultado, ya que es muuy bueno.

Lo pueden descargar de

No funciona solo necesitan un procesador TeX como Miktex o Winshell. Ahi les pedirá cuando lo estén instalando que en que carpeta está el procesador de Tex. Para los que tengan Miktex busquen C:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.9\miktex\bin o busquen en donde lo instalaron el bin de miktex para que se programe el Lyx.

eL Lyx trae muuchos manuales muy buenos que les ayudarán a utilizarlo y tambíen a manejar mejor el LaTeX. Luego publico unos manuales.

Miktex, LaTeX para Windows.

Buenas, Miktex funciona perfectamente para compilar archivos de LaTeX en plataforma Windows. La descarga es muy sencilla entren en , ahi hay dos opciones, o descarga el Basic Miktex que es de una vez todo el paquete o bajan el Net installer y ahi lo bajan desde una aplicación. Les recomiendo bajar el Basic.

El miktex trae un editor de LaTeX llamado TEXworks donde podrán realizar, compilar y luego visualizar sus archivos.

Les dejo este blog donde hay varios recursos de LaTeX.

Luego publicare manuales

Norriss S. Hetherington, "Planetary Motions: A Historical Perspective"

Norriss S. Hetherington, "Planetary Motions: A Historical Perspective"
Greenwood Press | July 2006 | ISBN: 031333241X | PDF | 242 pages | 4,5 MB

Planetary Motions is an ideal introduction for students studying physics and astronomy and who need to understand the history and nature of the scientific enterprise.
Students in an introductory physics class learn a variety of different, and seemingly unconnected, concepts. Gravity, the laws of motion, forces and fields, the mathematical nature of the science - all of these are ideas that play a central role in understanding physics. And one thing that connects all of these physical concepts is the impetus the great scientists of the past had to develop them - the desire to understand the motion of the planets of the solar system. This desire led to the revolutionary work of Copernicus and Galileo, Kepler and Newton. And their work forever altered how science is practiced and understood.
Planetary Motions: A Historical Perspective enables students to understand how the discoveries of the luminaries of the Scientific Revolution impact the way physics is practiced today.
• Nicolas Copernicus – his revolutionary work On the Revolution of the Heavenly Spheres that placed the sun, rather than the earth, at the center of the universe forever altered how people would see our place in the cosmos
• Galileo – his work did not prove Copernicus correct, but did destroy the ancient physics of Aristotle
• Johannes Kepler – his painstaking work eventually led to his laws regarding how the planets revolve around the sun
• Isaac Newton – his work remains the center of classical physics as studied in classrooms today Jargon and mathematics is kept to a minimum.

domingo, 17 de octubre de 2010

The Physics of Vibrations and Waves

The Physics of Vibrations and Waves 
Publisher: Wiley | ISBN: 047001296X | edition 2005 | PDF (converted from HTM) | 576 pages | 25,3 mb

The main theme of this highly successful book is that the transmission of energy by wave propogation is fundamental to almost every branch of physics. Therefore, besides giving students a thorough grounding in the theory of waves and vibrations, the book also demonstrates the pattern and unity of a large part of physics.
This new edition has been thoroughly revised and has been redeisgned to meet the best contemporary standards. It includes new material on electron waves in solids using the Kronig-Penney model to show how their allowed energies are limited to Brillouin zones, The role of phonons is also discussed. An Optical Transform is used to demonstrate the modern method of lens testing. In the last two chapters the sections on chaos and solitons have been reduced but their essential contents remain.
As with earlier editions, the book has a large number of problems together with hints on how to solve them. The Physics of Vibrations and Waves, 6th Edition will prove invaluable for students taking a first full course in the subject across a variety of disciplines particularly physics, engineering and mathematics. 

domingo, 10 de octubre de 2010

Partial Differential Equations

Exelente libro! Con muchas aplicaciones a la física matemática.

Partial Differential Equations
Publisher: Birkhäuser Boston; 2nd ed. edition (November 12, 2009) | ISBN: 0817645519 | Pages: 389 | PDF | 4,12 MB

This self-contained text offers an elementary introduction to partial differential equations (pdes), primarily focusing on linear equations, but also providing some perspective on nonlinear equations. The classical treatment is mathematically rigorous with a generally theoretical layout, though indications to some of the physical origins of pdes are made throughout. Large parts of this revised second edition have been streamlined and rewritten to incorporate years of classroom feedback, correct errors, and improve clarity. Most of the necessary background material has been incorporated into the complements and certain nonessential topics have been given reduced attention (noticeably, numerical methods) to improve the flow of presentation. The exposition is replete with examples, problems and solutions that compliment the material to enhance understanding and solidify comprehension. The only prerequisites are advanced differential calculus and some basic Lp theory. The work can serve as a text for advanced undergraduates and graduate students in mathematics, physics, engineering, and the natural sciences, as well as an excellent reference for applied mathematicians and mathematical physicists.

Moshe Carmeli, Shimon Malin, "Theory of Spinors: An Introduction"

Moshe Carmeli, Shimon Malin, "Theory of Spinors: An Introduction" 
World Scientific Publishing Company | 2000 | ISBN: 9810242611 | 212 pages | PDF | 2,6 MB

Spinors are used extensively in physics. It is widely accepted that they are more fundamental than tensors, and the easy way to see this is through the results obtained in general relativity theory by using spinors - results that could not have been obtained by using tensor methods only.

The foundation of the concept of spinors is groups; spinors appear as representations of groups. This textbook expounds the relationship between spinors and representations of groups. As is well known, spinors and representations are both widely used in the theory of elementary particles.

The authors present the origin of spinors from representation theory, but nevertheless apply the theory of spinors to general relativity theory, and part of the book is devoted to curved space-time applications.

Based on lectures given at Ben Gurion University, this textbook is intended for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in physics and mathematics, as well as being a reference for researchers. 

DOE Fundamentals Handbook: Classical Physics

DOE Fundamentals Handbook: Classical Physics 
Publisher: Department of Energy | ISBN: 1410222403 | edition 1992 | PDF | 142 pages | 1,1 mb

The Classical Physics Fundamentals Handbook was developed to assist nuclear facility operating contractors provide operators, maintenance personnel, and the technical staff with the necessary fundamentals training to ensure a basic understanding of physical forces and their properties. The handbook includes information on the units used to measure physical properties; vectors, and how they are used to show the net effect of various forces; Newton's Laws of motion, and how to use these laws in force and motion applications; and the concepts of energy, work, and power, and how to measure and calculate the energy involved in various applications.

Supersymmetry: Theory, Experiment and Cosmology

P. M. R. Binetruy, "Supersymmetry: Theory, Experiment and Cosmology" 
Oxford University Press, USA | 2006 | ISBN: 0198509545 | 536 pages | PDF | 12,8 MB

This book is an introduction to the theory of supersymmetry, which is a cornerstone to understanding the physics of elementary particles beyond the so-called "Standard Model". Supersymmetry is the first introductory book on this modern and increasingly popular subject.


"Binétruy has worked successfully at making his book pedagogically useful. He provides a roadmap of three paths through the book:one for researchers who want a theoretical introduction, the second for high-energy experimentalists, and the third for astrophysicsts of cosmologists."--Physics Today

"Binétruy provides an excellent bullet-point summary of the problems that supersymmetry could solve."--Mathematics Reviews

Principles of Continuum Mechanics: A Study of Conservation Principles with Applications

J. N. Reddy, "Principles of Continuum Mechanics: A Study of Conservation Principles with Applications" 
Cambridge University Press | 2010 | ISBN: 0521513693 | 244 pages | PDF | 2,2 MB

As most modern technologies are no longer discipline-specific but involve multidisciplinary approaches, undergraduate engineering students should be introduced to the principles of mechanics so that they have a strong background in the basic principles common to all disciplines and are able to work at the interface of science and engineering disciplines. This textbook is designed for a first course on principles of mechanics and provides an introduction to the basic concepts of stress and strain and conservation principles. It prepares engineer-scientists for advanced courses in traditional as well as emerging fields such as biotechnology, nanotechnology, energy systems, and computational mechanics. This simple book presents the subjects of mechanics of materials, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer in a unified form using the conservation principles of mechanics.

lunes, 4 de octubre de 2010

Fundamentals of Physics - Halliday, Resnick

Publiqué parte de este libro en español, pero esta es la versión digitalizada en ingles. Muy buen libro para comenzar a adentrarse al mundo, a la naturaleza, la física claro..


Fundamentals of Physics by David Halliday
Wiley | 2007 | ISBN: 0470044721 | 1136 pages | PDF | 27,13 Mb

No other book on the market today can match the 30-year success of Halliday, Resnick and Walker's Fundamentals of Physics! In a breezy, easy-to-understand style the book offers a solid understanding of fundamental physics concepts, and helps readers apply this conceptual understanding to quantitative problem solving. This book offers a unique combination of authoritative content and stimulating applications.

Física: Halliday y Resnick Volumen 2 (Español)


Español/ PDF / 200 MB

Parte 1

Parte 2

Fuente: :)

Física para científico e ingenieros - Serway (en inglés y en español)

Muy buen libro para comenzar a estudiar física. Muuy completo y bien escaneado el libro.
La versión en inglés esta mmuy bien digitalizada, la de español no se ve mal tampoco.

Physics for Scientists and Engineers 
Publisher: Brooks Cole | ISBN: 0534408427 | edition 2003 | PDF | 1377 pages | 25,7 mb

Descarga (Español)

Descarga (Inglés)



This best-selling, calculus-based text is recognized for its carefully crafted, logical presentation of the basic concepts and principles of physics. PHYSICS FOR SCIENTISTS AND ENGINEERS, Sixth Edition, maintains the Serway traditions of concise writing for the students, carefully thought-out problem sets and worked examples, and evolving educational pedagogy. This edition introduces a new co-author, Dr. John Jewett, at Cal Poly – Pomona, known best for his teaching awards and his role in the recently published PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS, Third Edition, also written with Ray Serway. Providing students with the tools they need to succeed in introductory physics, the Sixth Edition of this authoritative text features unparalleled media integration and a newly enhanced supplemental package for instructors and students!

domingo, 3 de octubre de 2010

Differential Geometry and Symmetric Spaces

Sigurdur Helgason, “Differential Geometry and Symmetric Spaces” 
Academic Press Inc.,U.S. | 1962-12 | ISBN: 0123384508 | 486 pages | PDF | 6,25 MB


Sigurdur Helgason's Differential Geometry and Symmetric Spaces was quickly recognized as a remarkable and important book. For many years, it was the standard text both for Riemannian geometry and for the analysis and geometry of symmetric spaces. Several generations of mathematicians relied on it for its clarity and careful attention to detail.

Although much has happened in the field since the publication of this book, as demonstrated by Helgason's own three-volume expansion of the original work, this single volume is still an excellent overview of the subjects. For instance, even though there are now many competing texts, the chapters on differential geometry and Lie groups continue to be among the best treatments of the subjects available. There is also a well-developed treatment of Cartan's classification and structure theory of symmetric spaces. The last chapter, on functions on symmetric spaces, remains an excellent introduction to the study of spherical functions, the theory of invariant differential operators, and other topics in harmonic analysis. This text is rightly called a classic.

Sigurdur Helgason was awarded the Steele Prize for Groups and Geometric Analysis and the companion volume, Differential Geometry, Lie Groups and Symmetric Spaces.

sábado, 2 de octubre de 2010

The Physics of the Early Universe (Lecture Notes in Physics)

The Physics of the Early Universe (Lecture Notes in Physics) By Lefteris Papantonopoulos
Publisher: Springer 2005 | 300 Pages | ISBN: 3540227121 | PDF | 3 MB


The Physics of the Early Universe is an edited and expanded version of the lectures given at a recent summer school of the same name. Its aim is to present an advanced multi-authored textbook that meets the needs of both postgraduate students and young researchers interested in, or already working on, problems in cosmology and general relativity, with emphasis on the early universe. A particularly strong feature of the present work is the constructive-critical approach to the present mainstream theories, the careful assessment of some alternative approaches, and the overall balance between theoretical and observational considerations. As such, this book will also benefit experienced scientists and nonspecialists from related areas of research. 

TTC VIDEO - Albert Einstein: Physicist, Philosopher, Humanitarian (2009)

Aca les traigo algo suuper exelente. Son una serie de lecturas por profesores universitarios acerca de einstein, sus estudios, vida y muuchas más cosas. Si tienen paciencia bájenlo es muuy bueno, luego les posteo otras cosas interesantes como esta.

TTC VIDEO - Albert Einstein: Physicist, Philosopher, Humanitarian (2009)
eLearning - DVDRip | AVI | 640x480 29.00fps | English | Run time: ~24 x 30 min | MP3 ~128.00 kbps | 5.14 GB
Lecture, Science, Biography, History

Albert Einstein: Physicist, Philosopher, Humanitarian, 24 half-hour lectures by award-winning Professor Don Howard of the University of Notre Dame, presents a wide-ranging intellectual biography of this iconic scientist, genius, and champion of social justice.
Albert Einstein is a riveting, all-encompassing look at the iconic man who forever altered the way we think about the world. By the conclusion of the course, you'll have become better acquainted with the whole Einstein—his scientific ideas, his personal philosophies, his thought processes, and his impact on both his own time and ours.

In May 1905, an unknown 26-year-old Swiss patent clerk wrote to a friend about four scientific papers he had been working on in his spare time. He casually alluded to one as "revolutionary," and he confidently asserted that another would modify the "theory of space and time." He had not yet started on a fifth paper that would also come out in 1905 and that would propose a surprising and earth-shaking equation, E=mc2.
This industrious young office worker was Albert Einstein, and with these papers he irrevocably changed the face of physics. Eventually, he would achieve fame and influence not only as a scientist but also as a philosopher and a humanitarian, involved with some of the most profound issues of the day. So identified has Einstein become with the changes wrought in science and culture in our era that Time magazine named him the "person of the century" in its December 31, 1999, issue.
Think Like Einstein
More than just a biography of Einstein's life, Albert Einstein provides you with an inside look at how this brilliant thinker arrived at his various revolutionary breakthroughs.
One of the secrets of Einstein's success was that he was well read in philosophy, and that guided his approach not only to framing and solving problems in physics but also to interpreting his discoveries in a more universal context. In addition, his philosophical background gave him the independence of judgment necessary to invent a new physics.
This is the intellectually exciting strategy you follow in Albert Einstein. Guided by Professor Howard, you reason your way to historic insights such as these:
* Light has both wave- and particle-like properties.
* Absolute space and absolute time are meaningless concepts.
* Gravity is caused by the curvature of space-time.
Each of these ideas sparked a scientific revolution. The first led to quantum physics, which is the comprehensive picture of the world below the atomic scale. The second and third are conclusions from the special and general theories of relativity, which this course explains in nontechnical detail.
In the Laboratory of the Mind
A creative thinker from an early age, Einstein had a knack for finding the perfect picture or thought experiment to express even the most arcane scientific ideas—a quality that makes him unusually accessible to the nonscientist. Einstein later said he always thought about a physics problem first in terms of images. He only later translated those pictures into a mathematical formalism.
Here are some of his well-known thought experiments that you investigate in Albert Einstein:
* Chasing a light beam: As a teenager, Einstein asked himself what would happen if he moved at the speed of light alongside a beam of light. This conceptual exercise held the germ for the special theory of relativity.
* Einstein's elevator: Einstein recognized that an observer ascending with constant acceleration, as in an ascending elevator, would not be able to distinguish his situation from one in which he was experiencing the effects of gravity, leading to the "equivalence principle" that underlies his general theory of relativity.
* EPR paradox: Einstein and two collaborators, Boris Podolsky and Nathan Rosen, devised a thought experiment that sought to prove quantum mechanics as an incomplete theory and not the final word in fundamental physics.
Albert Einstein features more than 50 animations—many in 3-D—designed specifically for these lectures. The result is a visually rich learning experience that makes Einstein's detailed scientific ideas easy to understand.
The Many Sides of Einstein
Einstein's dynamic life reflects a range of interests and passions that extend beyond the realm of modern physics and into fields like religion, international relations, and social justice. Indeed, Einstein frequently engaged with many of the leading social and political issues of his day. "As Einstein's growing physics reputation drew him onto a larger public stage," notes Professor Howard, "his social and political involvements expanded as well."
The many sides of the man covered in Albert Einstein give you a wealth of insights into his life:
* Far from being a head-in-the-clouds theoretician, Einstein was an enthusiastic inventor who pioneered a novel airplane wing, a refrigerator without moving parts, and a self-adjusting camera, among other devices.
* Einstein, a German Jew who fled an increasingly anti-Semitic Germany in 1932, supported the development of a safe haven for displaced Jews in Palestine and of Jewish institutions like Hebrew University. Fearing a large-scale conflict with Palestinian Arabs, however, he did not support a Jewish national state.
* Theoretical physics in the early 20th century was an emerging field. Einstein's work at the boundaries of science forced him to grapple with the various philosophical issues his work raised. Einstein's philosophies on scientific issues—such as the difference between direct and indirect evidence, the relationship between theory and experience, and the power of mathematical simplicity—were among the most influential of 20th-century science.
Professor Howard closes the course by examining the nature of Einstein's quintessential genius. In a century populated with brilliant scientists, profound philosophers, and selfless humanitarians, how did he come to embody all these qualities and also mean so much more? The rise of the dreamy-looking young man in the patent office in 1905 to the person of the century is worth studying in full.
Einstein: The Whole Man
Professor Howard is uniquely qualified to explore Einstein the whole man, putting Einstein's scientific discoveries into the context of his personal life, his philosophical views, and his outlook on the world. Educated in Physics as an undergraduate, Professor Howard went on to earn a Doctorate in the Philosophy of Science, and he has since devoted his research career to Einstein and his period. Professor Howard has been an assistant editor and a contributing editor for the Collected Papers of Albert Einstein, an ongoing series of volumes prepared by the Einstein Papers Project that is shedding new light on all aspects of Einstein's life.
Albert Einstein is a riveting, all-encompassing look at the iconic man who forever altered the way we think about the world. By the conclusion of the course, you'll have become better acquainted with the whole Einstein—his scientific ideas, his personal philosophies, his thought processes, and his impact on both his own time and ours.

professor : Don Howard
production land: usa
Run time: ~24 x 30 min

1. The Precocious Young Einstein
2. The Development of the Young Physicist
3. The Birth of the Quantum Hypothesis
4. Background to Special Relativity
5. Essentials of Special Relativity
6. From Bern to Berlin
7. Background to General Relativity
8. Essentials of General Relativity
9. From Berlin to Princeton
10. Philosophical Challenge of the New Physics
11. Einstein's Philosophy of Science
12. Zionism, Pacifism, and Internationalism
13. Einstein the Inventor and Musician
14. On the Road to the New Quantum Mechanics
15. Quantum Mechanics and Controversy
16. Einstein in Princeton—The Lonely Quest
17. Is Quantum Mechanics Complete?
18. The Expanding Universe
19. Einstein and the Bomb—Science Politicized
20. From the Manhattan Project to the Cold War
21. A Lifelong Commitment to Social Justice
22. Cosmic Religion and Jewish Identity
23. Einstein and Modernity
24. The Sage of Princeton—Einstein the Icon

Physics of Relativistic Objects in Compact Binaries: from Birth to Coalescence

Physics of Relativistic Objects in Compact Binaries: from Birth to Coalescence 
Publisher: Springer | ISBN: 1402092636 | edition 2009 | PDF | 391 pages | 12 mb

This book provides a comprehensive, authoritative and timely review of the astrophysical approach to the investigation of gravity theories. Particular attention is paid to strong-field tests of general relativity and alternative theories of gravity, performed using collapsed objects (neutron stars, black holes and white dwarfs) in relativistic binaries as laboratories. The book starts with an introduction which gives the background linking experimental gravity in cosmic laboratories to astrophysics and fundamental physics. Subsequent chapters cover observational and theoretical aspects of the following topics: from binaries as test-beds of gravity theories to binary pulsars as cosmic laboratories; from binary star evolution to the formation of relativistic binaries; from short gamma-ray bursts to low mass X-ray binaries; from stellar-mass black hole binaries to coalescing super-massive black holes in galaxy mergers.

Imaging in Molecular Dynamics: Technology and Applications

"Imaging in Molecular Dynamics: Technology and Applications" by Benjamin J. Whitaker
Cambridge University Press | 266 pages | English | 2003 | ISBN: 0521810590 | PDF | 6,3 MB

Written in a tutorial style by some of the key practitioners in the field, this book provides a comprehensive account of charged particle imaging and describes many of its recent applications. The technique has revolutionized experimental studies of photodissociation and bimolecular collisions over the past couple of decades. It is of primary interest to researchers and graduate students working in chemical and molecular physics requiring an overview of the subject as well as ideas for future experiments.

Treatise on Natural Philosophy Part 1, Part 2 - Lord Kelvin

Un tratado de filosofía natural por el gran Lord Kelvin! Imperdible!!

Treatise on Natural Philosophy Part 1, Part 2 
Publisher: Cambridge University Press | ISBN: N/A | edition 1912 | PDF | 536, 514 pages | 28.9+28.7 mb

Parte 1
Parte 2

The term Natural Philosophy was used by Newton, and is still used in British Universities, to denote the investigation of laws in the material world, and the deduction of results not directly observed. Observation, classification, and description of phenomena necessarily precede Natural Philosophy in every department of natural science. The earlier stage is, in some branches, commonly called Natural History; and it might with equal propriety be so called in all others. 

Rafael Ferraro, "Einstein's Space-Time: An Introduction to Special and General Relativity"

Rafael Ferraro, "Einstein's Space-Time: An Introduction to Special and General Relativity" 
Springer | 2007 | ISBN: 0387699465 | 310 pages | PDF | 5 MB

This is a textbook addressed to students in Physics and other people interested in Relativity and History of Physics. The book contains a complete account of Special Relativity that begins with the historical analysis of the reasons that led to a change in our manner of regarding the space and time. The first chapters are aimed to afford a deep understanding of the relativistic spacetime and its consequences for Dynamics. The chapter about covariant formulation includes the concepts of volume and hypersurfaces in manifolds, energy-momentum tensor of a fluid, etc., and prepares the language for General Relativity. The last two chapters are devoted to introduce General Relativity and Cosmology in a modern approach connected with the latest discoveries in these areas.