
Buenas, aca Favio. La idea de crear este blog es tratar de hacerle llegar a todos lo fascinante de la física. Acá posteare libros, manuales, exámenes, todo lo posible. Aca pronto encontraras artículos sobre relatividad general, cosmología, mecánica clásica y cuántica, teoría de cuerdas, electromagnetismo, bueno todo (la física prácticamente abarca todo). Bueno saludos!

miércoles, 17 de noviembre de 2010

Emmanuele DiBenedetto, "Classical Mechanics: Theory and Mathematical Modeling"

Emmanuele DiBenedetto, "Classical Mechanics: Theory and Mathematical Modeling" 
Birk--ser | 2010 | ISBN: 0817645268 | 351 pages | PDF | 2,7 MB

* Re-examines classical material, including gyroscopes, precessions, spinning tops, effects of rotation of the Earth on gravity motions
* Places analytical mechanics, such as Lagrange's equations, on sound mathematical and physical ground
* Encompasses recent developments in the solvability of Hamilton–Jacobi PDEs

Classical mechanics is a chief example of the scientific method organizing a "complex" collection of information into theoretically rigorous, unifying principles; in this sense, mechanics represents one of the highest forms of mathematical modeling. This textbook covers standard topics of a mechanics course, namely, the mechanics of rigid bodies, Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalism, stability and small oscillations, an introduction to celestial mechanics, and Hamilton–Jacobi theory, but at the same time features unique examples—such as the spinning top including friction and gyroscopic compass—seldom appearing in this context. In addition, variational principles like Lagrangian and Hamiltonian dynamics are treated in great detail.

Using a pedagogical approach, the author covers many topics that are gradually developed and motivated by classical examples. Through `Problems and Complements' sections at the end of each chapter, the work presents various questions in an extended presentation that is extremely useful for an interdisciplinary audience trying to master the subject. Beautiful illustrations, unique examples, and useful remarks are key features throughout the text.

Classical Mechanics: Theory and Mathematical Modeling may serve as a textbook for advanced graduate students in mathematics, physics, engineering, and the natural sciences, as well as an excellent reference or self-study guide for applied mathematicians and mathematical physicists. Prerequisites include a working knowledge of linear algebra, multivariate calculus, the basic theory of ordinary differential equations, and elementary physics.

Introduction to Classical Mechanics (2nd Edition) - Atam P. Arya

Exelente libro, muy recomendado. Toca todos los temas que toca el Marion pero hace muchas más demostraciones. El Marion sigue siendo un libro muy completo, algunas cosas no toca el Arya pero en lo que respecta a un curso de Mecánica Clásica I, este libro puede ayudarlos mucho. Solo lo he conseguido en inglés..

Introduction to Classical Mechanics (2nd Edition)
Publisher: Benjamin Cummings | Pages: 712 | 1997-08-18 | ISBN 0135052238 | DJVU | 5 MB


Featuring state-of-the-art computer based technology throughout, this comprehensive book on classical mechanics bridges the gap between introductory physics and quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics and optics—giving readers a strong basis for their work in applied and pure sciences.Introduces Mathcad, using it in to do mathematical calculations, solve problems, make plots and graphs, and generally provide more in-depth coverage and a better understanding of physics. Pays special attention to such topics of modern interest as nonlinear oscillators, central force motion, collisions in CMCS, and horizontal wind circulation. For physicists and astronomers.

viernes, 12 de noviembre de 2010

Ecuaciones Diferenciales y Problemas con Valores en la Frontera - Boyce - DiPrima + Solucionario

Más no se puede pedir. Exelente libro y su solucionario.

Descarga el Libro: 

1 Intro 
2 Ecuaciones diferenciales de primer orden 
3 Ecuaciones lineales de segundo orden 
4 Ecuaciones lineales de orden superior 
5 Soluciones en series para ecuaciones lineales de segundo orden 
6 Transformada de Laplace 
7 Sistemas de primer orden de ecuaciones diferenciales 
8 Metodos Numericos 
9 Ecuaciones diferenciales no lineales y estabilidad 
10 Ecuaciones diferenciales parciales y Series de Fourier 
11 Problemas de valor en la frontera 

Ecuaciones Diferenciales Aplicadas - Murray Spiegel

Editorial PRENTICE-HALL | Primera Edicion | 1983 | 757 Páginas | 21 MB 


Ecuaciones Diferenciales - Eduardo Espinoza Ramos


1. Conceptos básicos y terminología
2. Ecuaciones diferenciales de primero orden y de primer grado
3. Aplicacionesde las ecuaciones diferenciales
4. Ecuaciones diferenciales de orden superior
5. Ecuaciones diferenciales lineales de orden n
6. Operadores diferenciales
7. Ecuaciones diferenciales de coeficientes variables
8. Sistemas de ecuaciones diferenciales de coeficientes constantes
9. Resolución de ecuaciones diferenciales mediante series de potencias


Classical Dynamics of particles and systems - Jerry B. Marion

Exelente libro de mecánica! muy completo y con muy buenos ejemplos.

jueves, 4 de noviembre de 2010


Para los que quieran descargar los libros de circuito entren en la etiqueta de la derecha >>>> Circuit analysis y ahi están todos los libros. Cualquier cosa deje un comentario si quieren un libro en específico y con gusto lo postearé-


Schaum's Outline of Basic Circuit Analysis

Schaum's Outline of Basic Circuit Analysis 
Publisher: McGraw-Hill | pages: 484 | 1992 | ISBN: 0070478244 | PDF | 15 mb


For improved comprehension of circuit analysis, less time spent studying, and better test scores, you can't do better than thispowerful Schaum's Outline! It's the best study tool there is. It gives you hundreds of completely worked problems with full solutions on the information that you really need to know. Hundreds of additional problems let you test your skills, then check the answers. This comprehensive study guide can be used with any textbook, but it's so complete it's ideal for independent study!

Robert L. Boylestad “Introductory Circuit Analysis - Décima Edición


THE most widely acclaimed introduction to circuit analysis for more than three decades. Features exceptionally clear explanations and descriptions, step-by-step examples, more than 50 practical applications, over 2000 easy-to-challenging practice problems, and comprehensive coverage of essentials. PSpice, OrCAd version 9.2 Lite Edition, Multisims 2001 version of Electronics Workbench, and MathCad software references and examples are used throughout. Computer programs (C++, BASIC and PSpice) are printed in color, as they run, at the point in the book where they are discussed. Current and Voltage. Resistance. Ohm's Law, Power, and Energy. Series Circuits. Parallel Circuits. Series-Parallel Networks. Methods of Analysis & Selected Topics. Network Theorems. Capacitors. Magnetic Circuits. Inductors. Sinusodial Alternating Waveforms. The Basic Elements and Phasors. Series and Parallel ac Circuits. Series-Parallel ac Networks. Methods of Analysis and Related Topics. Network Theorems (ac). Power (ac). Resonance. Transformers. Polyphase Systems. Decibels, Filters, and Bode Points. Pulse Waveforms and the R-C Response. Nonsinusodial Circuits. System Analysis: An Introduction. For those working in electronic technology.

Fundamentals of Electric Circuits - Charles Alexander, Matthew Sadiku

Exelente libro de teoría de circuitos. Total recomendado.

Fundamentals of Electric Circuits with CD-ROM with Problem Solving Workbook with New 2.0 Release E-Text 
McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math | English | July 10, 2001 | ISBN: 0072494441 | PDFs | 26,2 Mb


Description : This first edition text is for use in the introductory circuit analysis or circuit theory course taught in electrical engineering or electrical engineering technology departments. The main objective of this book is to present circuit analysis in a clear, easy-to-understand manner, with many practical applications to interest the student. The authors present principles in an appealing and lucid step-by-step manner, carefully explaining each step. Important formulas are highlighted to help students sort out what is essential and what is not Many pedagogical aids reinforce the concepts learned in the text so that students get comfortable with the various methods of analysis presented in the text.