
Buenas, aca Favio. La idea de crear este blog es tratar de hacerle llegar a todos lo fascinante de la física. Acá posteare libros, manuales, exámenes, todo lo posible. Aca pronto encontraras artículos sobre relatividad general, cosmología, mecánica clásica y cuántica, teoría de cuerdas, electromagnetismo, bueno todo (la física prácticamente abarca todo). Bueno saludos!

jueves, 30 de septiembre de 2010

Universe or Multiverse?


Universe or Multiverse?
Cambridge University Press | September 14, 2009 | ISBN-10: 0521140692 | 534 pages | PDF | 3.4MB

Recent developments in cosmology and particle physics, such as the string landscape picture, have led to the remarkable realization that our universe - rather than being unique - could be just one of many universes. The multiverse proposal helps to explain the origin of the universe and some of its observational features. Since the physical constants can be different in other universes, the fine-tunings which appear necessary for the emergence of life may also be explained. Nevertheless, many physicists remain uncomfortable with the multiverse proposal, since it is highly speculative and perhaps untestable. In this volume, a number of active and eminent researchers in the field - mainly cosmologists and particle physicists but also some philosophers - address these issues and describe recent developments. The articles represent the full spectrum of views, providing for the first time an overview of the subject. They are written at different academic levels, engaging lay-readers and researchers alike.

Gravity - George Gamow

No puedo creer q exista este libro, loo mejor.. Es todo lo q dire..

George Gamow, "Gravity" 
Anchor Books | 2009 | ISBN: 1607961482 | 156 pages | PDF | 28,8 MB

A distinguished physicist and teacher, George Gamow also possessed a special gift for explaining the intricacies of science. Here he takes an enlightening look at three scientists whose work unlocked many of the mysteries behind the laws of physics: Galileo, the first to examine closely the process of free and restricted fall; Newton, originator of a universal force; and Einstein, who proposed that gravity is no more than the curvature of the four-dimensional space-time continuum. Most of the book is focused on Newton's ideas, with a concluding chapter on post-Einsteinian speculations concerning the relationship between gravity and other physical phenomena. This remarkably reader-friendly volume is graced with the author's own drawings, both technical and fanciful.
1962 Ed.

An Illustrated Guide to Relativity

Tatsu Takeuchi, "An Illustrated Guide to Relativity" 
Cambridge University Press |2010| ISBN: 0521763940 |266 pages|PDF | 3,7 MB

Aimed at both physics students and non-science majors, this unique book explains Einstein's special theory of relativity pictorially, using diagrams rather than equations. The diagrams guide the reader, step-by-step, from the basics of relativity to advanced topics including the addition of velocities, Lorentz contraction, time dilation, the twin paradox, Doppler shift, and Einstein's famous equation E=mc². The distinctive figures throughout the book enable the reader to visualize the theory in a way that cannot be fully conveyed through equations alone. The illustrative explanations in this book maintain the logic and rigour necessary for physics students, yet are simple enough to be understood by non-scientists. The book also contains entertaining problems which challenge the reader's understanding of the materials covered. 

Tensor Analysis with Applications in Mechanics

Muy buen libro, el análisis tensorial tan vital para el estudio de la topología y la relatividad general ahora enfocado a problemas de mecánica.. Se los recomiendo! Cheers!

Leonid P. Lebedev, Michael J. Cloud, "Tensor Analysis with Applications in Mechanics" 
World Scientific Publishing Company | 2010 | ISBN: 9814313122 | 380 pages | PDF | 2,1 MB

The tensorial nature of a quantity permits us to formulate transformation rules for its components under a change of basis. These rules are relatively simple and easily grasped by any engineering student familiar with matrix operators in linear algebra. More complex problems arise when one considers the tensor fields that describe continuum bodies. In this case general curvilinear coordinates become necessary. The principal basis of a curvilinear system is constructed as a set of vectors tangent to the coordinate lines. Another basis, called the dual basis, is also constructed in a special manner. The existence of these two bases is responsible for the mysterious covariant and contravariant terminology encountered in tensor discussions. A tensor field is a tensor-valued function of position in space. The use of tensor fields allows us to present physical laws in a clear, compact form. A byproduct is a set of simple and clear rules for the representation of vector differential operators such as gradient, divergence, and Laplacian in curvilinear coordinate systems. This book is a clear, concise, and self-contained treatment of tensors, tensor fields, and their applications. The book contains practically all the material on tensors needed for applications. It shows how this material is applied in mechanics, covering the foundations of the linear theories of elasticity and elastic shells. The main results are all presented in the first four chapters. The remainder of the book shows how one can apply these results to differential geometry and the study of various types of objects in continuum mechanics such as elastic bodies, plates, and shells. Each chapter of this new edition is supplied with exercises and problems - most with solutions, hints, or answers to help the reader progress. An extended appendix serves as a handbook-style summary of all important formulas contained in the book.

lunes, 27 de septiembre de 2010

Optical System Design Segunda Edición

Optical System Design Second Edition 
Publisher: Spie Press | ISBN: 0071593586 | edition 2008 | PDF | 828 pages | 48.68 mb

The design of imaging optical systems is an engineering discipline which has been practiced and written about for many years. In many ways, optical design is both a science and an art, and for this reason it is a technology that can cause problems if it is not done properly. Furthermore, most books on the subject tend to be complex and difficult to follow and to understand. With this book, we hope to bring the understanding of our discipline to everyone.



domingo, 26 de septiembre de 2010

Higher Engineering Mathematics, Sexta edición por John Bird

Muy buen libro sobre matemáticas avanzadas para ingeniería. Libro nuevo del 2010, para usarlo paralelo con el Kreyszig y el James.


John Bird's approach, based on numerous worked examples and interactive problems, is ideal for students from a wide range of academic backgrounds, and can be worked through at the student's own pace. Basic mathematical theories are explained in a straightforward manner, being supported by practical engineering examples and applications in order to ensure that readers can relate theory to practice. The extensive and thorough topic coverage makes this an ideal text for a range of university degree modules, foundation degrees, and HNC/D units.

Now in its sixth edition, Higher Engineering Mathematics is an established textbook that has helped many thousands of students to gain exam success. It has been updated to maximise the book's suitability for first year engineering degree students and those following foundation degrees. This book also caters specifically for the engineering mathematics units of the Higher National Engineering schemes from Edexcel. As such it includes the core unit, Analytical Methods for Engineers, and two specialist units, Further Analytical Methods for Engineers and Engineering Mathematics, both of which are common to the electrical/electronic engineering and mechanical engineering pathways. For ease of reference a mapping grid is included that shows precisely which topics are required for the learning outcomes of each unit.

Modern Physics - Serway

Muchos me han hablado sobre este libro, para los que no lo han conseguido acá se los posteo. Es un libro muy completo con bastantes problemas resueltos, muy recomendado para comenzar a estudiar física moderna.


This text presents an introduction to relativity, quantum mechanics, and statistical physics as well as applications of these theories to molecular physics, condensed matter physics, nuclear physics, particle physics, and cosmology. Writing in a student-friendly and accessible manner, the authors strike the perfect balance, mixing relevant applications (many new to this edition) with the appropriate level of theory. A new Web-based simulation software package, QMTools, complements the text and provides modeling tools to help students visualize abstract concepts. Icons are provided throughout the text to highlight areas in which this software can enhance understanding. 

martes, 21 de septiembre de 2010

A First Course in String Theory

Buen libro para adentrarse al mundo de la cuerdas. Cheers!



An accessible introduction to string theory, this book provides a detailed and self-contained demonstration of the main concepts involved. The first part deals with basic ideas, reviewing special relativity and electromagnetism while introducing the concept of extra dimensions. D-branes and the classical dynamics of relativistic strings are discussed next, and the quantization of open and closed bosonic strings in the light-cone gauge, along with a brief introduction to superstrings. The second part begins with a detailed study of D-branes followed by string thermodynamics. It discusses possible physical applications, and covers T-duality of open and closed strings, electromagnetic fields on D-branes, Born/Infeld electrodynamics, covariant string quantization and string interactions. Primarily aimed as a textbook for advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate courses, it will also be ideal for a wide range of scientists and mathematicians who are curious about string theory.

Gravity from the Ground Up: An Introductory Guide to Gravity and General Relativity

Como les comente hace unos posts, este es el mejor libro introductorio relatividad general, cosmologpia y astrofísica. Es el mejor que he visto, el señor Bernard Shutz conocido por muchos por su obra general relativity y su nuevo libro en el cual intenta explicar el universo solo utilizando relatividad especial. Muy buen libro, bien ilustrado, muy muuy recomendado. Saludos! Diganme que les parece..


Gravity from the Ground Up
Cambridge University Press | 2003-11-30 | ISBN: 0521455065 | 488 pages | PDF | 5,8 MB

This book provides an accessible introduction to astronomy and general relativity, aiming to explain the Universe, not just to describe it. Written by an expert in relativity who is known for his clearly-written advanced textbooks, the treatment uses only high-school level mathematics, supplemented by optional computer programs, to explain the laws of physics governing gravity from

General Relativity and the Einstein Equations

Libro de relatividad general avanzado. Recomiendo empezar por libros más sencillos para una mejor comprensioón de esta obra.


General Relativity has passed all experimental and observational tests to model the motion of isolated bodies with strong gravitational fields, though the mathematical and numerical study of these motions is still in its infancy. It is believed that General Relativity models our cosmos, with a manifold of dimensions possibly greater than four and debatable topology opening a vast field of investigation for mathematicians and physicists alike. Remarkable conjectures have been proposed, many results have been obtained but many fundamental questions remain open. In this monograph, aimed at researchers in mathematics and physics, the author overviews the basic ideas in General Relativity, introduces the necessary mathematics and discusses some of the key open questions in the field.

Gravity: An Introduction to Einstein's General Relativity

Uno de los mejores libros introductorios a la astrofísica y a la relatividad general. Lo recomiendo mucho. La parte de cosmología está muy buena. Luego de este les pongo el mejor libro introductorio! Gravity from the ground up, esperenlo..



The aim of this groundbreaking new text is to bring general relativity into the undergraduate curriculum and make this fundamental theory accessible to all physics majors. Using a "physics first" approach to the subject, renowned relativist James B. Hartle provides a fluent and accessible introduction that uses a minimum of new mathematics and is illustrated with a wealth of exciting applications. The emphasis is on the exciting phenomena of gravitational physics and the growing connection between theory and observation. The Global Positioning System, black holes, X-ray sources, pulsars, quasars, gravitational waves, the Big Bang, and the large scale structure of the universe are used to illustrate the widespread role of how general relativity describes a wealth of everyday and exotic phenomena. For anyone interested in physics or general relativity.

Albert Einstein 1879-1955 (la mayoria de sus trabajos)

Aca les traigo un compilado bien resumido de la mayoria d elos trabajos más importantes de uno de los más grandes físicos y pensadores de la historia.

Albert Einstein 1879-1955
"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."
- Albert Einstein

Trabajos incluidos:

* Ether And The Theory Of Relativity PDF 32 KB
* On The Theory Of Relativity PDF 16 KB
* Physics of Illusion PDF 42 KB
* Principles Of Research PDF 14 KB
* Principles Of Theoretical Physics PDF 18 KB
* Relativity PDF 230 KB
* The World as I See it PDF 400 KB
* What Is The Theory Of Relativity PDF 22 KB
* Why Socialism PDF 82 KB
* Words On Spirituality And Religion TXT 6 KB
* Special & General Theories Of Relativity index.htm + contents 600 KB

Descarga :


lunes, 20 de septiembre de 2010

Robbins - circuit analysis: theory and practice

muy buen libro, ahi está para quién lo pedia.


This new book answers the call for a combined circuit analysis/electronic devices text that emphasizes fundamental concepts, critical thinking, and problem solving. Following the same student-friendly, easy-to-understand format used in Circuit Analysis: Theory and Practice, 3E by Robbins and Miller, topics include: methods of analysis, capacitance, inductance, diodes, op amps, optical devices, and more. Basic electronic devices and their applications are covered in a concise, yet comprehensive manner. Two popular computer application packages, MultiSIM and CadenceR PSpice, both in their latest versions, are integrated throughout to help students learn via hands-on simulation, with step-by-step instructions and full-color screen captures to enhance learning.

viernes, 17 de septiembre de 2010

Gauge Field Theories - Stefan Pokorski

Gauge Field Theories 
Publisher: Cambridge University Press | ISBN: 0521472458 | edition 2000 | PDF | 629 pages | 27,0 mb

Quantum field theory forms the present theoretical framework for our understanding of the fundamental interactions of particle physics. This updated and expanded volume examines gauge theories and their symmetries with an emphasis on their physical and technical aspects. A new introductory chapter gives a systematic overview to classical field theories and a short discussion of their canonical quantization and the discrete symmetries C, P and T.


Introduction to Gauge Field Theory Revised Edition


Introduction to Gauge Field Theory provides comprehensive coverage of modern relativistic quantum field theory, emphasizing the details of actual calculations rather than the phenomenology of the applications. Forming a foundation in the subject, the book assumes knowledge of relativistic quantum mechanics, but not of quantum field theory. The book is ideal for graduate students, advanced undergraduates, and researchers in the field of particle physics.

Cosmology in Gauge Field Theory and String Theory


Cosmology in Gauge Field Theory and String Theory focuses on the cosmological implications of the gauge theories of particle physics and of string theory. The book first examines the universe's series of phase transitions in which the successive gauge symmetries of the higher-temperature phase were spontaneously broken after the big bang, discussing relics of these phase transitions, more generic relics (baryons, neutrinos, axions), and supersymmetric particles (neutralinos and gravitinos). The author next studies supersymmetric theory, supergravity theory, and the constraints on the underlying field theory of the universe's inflationary era. The book concludes with a discussion of black hole solutions of the supergravity theory that approximates string theory at low energies and the insight that string theory affords into the microscopic origin of the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy. Cosmology in Gauge Field Theory and String Theory provides a modern introduction to these important problems from a particle physicist's perspective. It is intended as an introductory textbook for a first course on the subject at a graduate level.

La capa de ozono cuenta una década sin mayor deterioro

La capa de ozono cuenta una década sin mayor deterioro
El Protocolo de Montreal ha protegido a este escudo natural

Pocos convenios internacionales han logrado el consenso y cumplimiento que capitalizó el Protocolo de Montreal, un acuerdo firmado en 1987 para dejar de producir y usar las sustancias que causan el agotamiento de la capa de ozono. Es uno de los tratados más exitosos en materia ambiental porque en efecto ha alcanzado su propósito: detener el daño que sufría el escudo natural protector de las radiaciones solares. 

"Ha impedido (el Protocolo) un agotamiento mucho mayor de la capa de ozono estratosférico gracias a la reducción gradual de la producción y consumo de sustancias que la menoscaban", dijo el jueves en Ginebra Len Barrie, director de investigación de la Organización Mundial de la Meteorología (OMM), durante la presentación del informe "Evaluación científica del agotamiento de la capa de ozono 2010", según reseñó la agencia Efe. Allí tanto esa organización como el Programa de Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente declararon que el adelgazamiento de la capa de ozono no ha aumentado ni disminuido en el último decenio, gracias a los esfuerzos internacionales dentro de los que ha participado Venezuela, a través del Fondo de Reconversión Industrial, Fondoin, ente encargado de supervisar la eliminación del uso de sustancias agotadoras del ozono. Pero hay quienes ven la situación con mayor optimismo. Según Diego Díaz Martín, jefe de Estudios Ambientales de la Universidad Metropolitana y presidente de Vitalis, "tenemos evidencias de una lenta y progresiva recuperación, pero no podemos afirmar a ciencia cierta que la situación se mantenga en el tiempo, aunque confiamos que así sea. Afortunadamente, los niveles de ozono se han venido estabilizando en la última década o aumentado ligeramente". 

Para el líder de Vitalis, la situación local luce aún mejor: "Hemos logrado importantes avances, no solo sustituyendo las sustancias agotadoras de la capa de ozono de casi la totalidad de los aerosoles, sino también en sistemas productivos importantes, gracias a los esfuerzos emprendidos por Fondoin. Ademas, contamos con un calendario para la eliminación progresiva de producción y consumo de estas sustancias, (que deberían cesar para el año 2010 de acuerdo con Protocolo de Montreal). Y existen normas para controlar las exportaciones e importaciones de las sustancias que destruyan la capa de ozono, y que establece límites de importación, condiciones de envasado, uso de equipos tecnológicos y que también promueven las buenas prácticas en su producción y manejo".

A First Course in Dynamics: with a Panorama of Recent Developments

Buenas acá les traigo un buen libro sobre dinámica, el libro es de 2003, y esta muy actualizado con los últimos avances en las ciencias físicas.


The theory of dynamical systems has given rise to the vast new area variously called applied dynamics, nonlinear science, or chaos theory. This introductory text covers the central topological and probabilistic notions in dynamics ranging from Newtonian mechanics to coding theory. The only prerequisite is a basic undergraduate analysis course. The authors use a progression of examples to present the concepts and tools for describing asymptotic behavior in dynamical systems, gradually increasing the level of complexity. Subjects include contractions, logistic maps, equidistribution, symbolic dynamics, mechanics, hyperbolic dynamics, strange attractors, twist maps, and KAM-theory. 

jueves, 16 de septiembre de 2010

An Introduction to Relativity - Jayant V. Narlikar


General relativity is now an essential part of undergraduate and graduate courses in physics, astrophysics and applied mathematics. This simple, user-friendly introduction to relativity is ideal for a first course in the subject. Beginning with a comprehensive but simple review of special relativity, the book creates a framework from which to launch the ideas of general relativity. After describing the basic theory, it moves on to describe important applications to astrophysics, black hole physics, and cosmology. Several worked examples, and numerous figures and images, help students appreciate the underlying concepts. There are also 180 exercises which test and develop students' understanding of the subject. The textbook presents all the necessary information and discussion for an elementary approach to relativity. Password-protected solutions to the exercises are available to instructors at

Geometry and topology - Miles Reid

Ramas que debemos incluir en nuestros estudios de física, para todos los que nos gusta la relatividad, cosmología, y astronomía. Superficies de Riemann, Manifolds y mucho más. Suerte!


Geometry is central to many branches of mathematics and physics, and offers a complete range of views on the universe. This introduction includes many simple explanations and examples. With minimal prerequisites, the book provides a first glimpse of many research topics in modern algebra, geometry and theoretical physics. The book is based on many years' teaching experience, and is thoroughly class-tested. There are copious illustrations, and each chapter ends with exercises. Further teaching material is available via the web, including assignable problem sheets with solutions. 

New Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Methods in Field Theory - G. Giachetta, G. Sardanashvily.


This work incorporates three modern aspects of mathematical physics: the jet methods in differntial geometry, the Lagrangian formalism on jet manifolds and the multimomentum approach to the Hamiltonian formalism. Several contemporary field models are investigated in detail. This is not a book on differential geometry, although modern concepts of differential geometry are used throughout the book. Quadratic Lagrangians and Hamiltonians are studied on the general level including the treatment of Hamiltonian formalism on composite fibre manifolds. The book presents new geometric methods and results in field theory.


Relativity and Common Sense - Hermann Bondi

Buenas aca les traigo un buen librito sobre la teoría de la relativdad de einstein de una forma bien ilustrada por el genial Hermann Bondi. Espero les guste!


Nos vemos!!

miércoles, 15 de septiembre de 2010

The Quantum Mechanics Solver: How to Apply Quantum Theory to Modern Physics,2 Ed

Buenas otra vez! Aca les traigo un libro muy interesante, trata sobre la aplicación de la teoría cuántica a la física moderna. No es muy largo y vale la pena echarle una hojeada. Saludos!!


Comentario del libro:

The Quantum Mechanics Solver uniquely illustrates the application of quantum mechanical concepts to various fields of modern physics. It aims at encouraging the reader to apply quantum mechanics to research problems in fields such as molecular physics, condensed matter physics or laser physics. Advanced undergraduates and graduate students will find a rich and challenging source of material for further exploration. This book consists of a series of problems concerning present-day experimental or theoretical questions on quantum mechanics. All of these problems are based on actual physical examples, even if sometimes the mathematical structure of the models under consideration is simplified intentionally in order to get hold of the physics more rapidly. The new edition features new themes, such as the progress in measuring neutrino oscillations, quantum boxes, the quantum thermometer etc. Secondly, it includes a brief summary on the basics of quantum mechanics and the formalism we use. Finally, the problems under three main themes: Elementary Particles, Nuclei and Atoms; Quantum Entanglement and Measurement; and Complex Systems.

Introduction to fluid mechanics - Yasuki Nakayama

Buenas aca les traigo un buen librito introductorio a la mecánica de fluidos. Sirve para ingenieros y científicos en general. Saludos!!


Comentario del libro:

Fluid mechanics is often seen as the most difficult core subject encountered by engineering students. The problem stems from the necessity to visualise complex flow patterns and fluid behaviour modelled by high level mathematics. This text overcomes this difficulty by introducing the concepts through everyday examples, before moving on to the more involved mathematics. The various theories of flow have been correlated with real phenomena and, combined with numerous figures and photographs, help the reader place the subject in context. Examples from a broad range of engineering disciplines are included making this textbook suitable for all engineers studying fluid systems as part of their degree.

'Introduction to Fluid Mechanics' is translated from the best-selling Japanese book by Professor Yasuki Nakayama, and adapted for the international market by Professor Robert Boucher.

Introduces the concepts through everyday examples before moving on to the more invoved mathematics.
Various theories of flow are applied to real phenomena and illustrated with numerous figures and photographs
Includes examples from a bread range of engineering disciplines.

Classical Mechanics - Goldstein! En inglés, trataré de conseguirla en español!

Exelente libro de mecánica clásica, es algo avanzado. El libro se enfoca más en el estudio de la mecánica Lagrangiana y Hamiltoniana. El capítulo sobre mecánica continua es muy bueno. Acá se los dejo!


For thirty years this has been the acknowledged standard in advanced classical mechanics courses. This classic book enables readers to make connections between classical and modern physics - an indispensable part of a physicist's education. In this new edition, Beams Medal winner Charles Poole and John Safko have updated the book to include the latest topics, applications, and notation, to reflect today's physics curriculum. They introduce readers to the increasingly important role that nonlinearities play in contemporary applications of classical mechanics. New numerical exercises help readers to develop skills in how to use computer techniques to solve problems in physics. Mathematical techniques are presented in detail so that the book remains fully accessible to readers who have not had an intermediate course in classical mechanics. For college instructors and students.

The Grand Design! Esperadísimo!!

Buenas aca les dejo este exelente libro, apenas publicado el 9 de septiembre por el fantástico Stephen Hawking. Como siempre esperense un libro revolucionario, con ideas que a veces nos cuestan imaginar. Sin más que decir acá les dejo el libro!


Les dejo una introducción en inglés..

When and how did the universe begin? Why are we here? Why is there something rather than nothing? What is the nature of reality? Why are the laws of nature so finely tuned as to allow for the existence of beings like ourselves? And, finally, is the apparent “grand design” of our universe evidence of a benevolent creator who set things in motion—or does science offer another explanation?
The most fundamental questions about the origins of the universe and of life itself, once the province of philosophy, now occupy the territory where scientists, philosophers, and theologians meet—if only to disagree. In their new book, Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow present the most recent scientific thinking about the mysteries of the universe, in nontechnical language marked by both brilliance and simplicity.
In The Grand Design they explain that according to quantum theory, the cosmos does not have just a single existence or history, but rather that every possible history of the universe exists simultaneously. When applied to the universe as a whole, this idea calls into question the very notion of cause and effect. But the “top-down” approach to cosmology that Hawking and Mlodinow describe would say that the fact that the past takes no definite form means that we create history by observing it, rather than that history creates us. The authors further explain that we ourselves are the product of quantum fluctuations in the very early universe, and show how quantum theory predicts the “multiverse”—the idea that ours is just one of many universes that appeared spontaneously out of nothing, each with different laws of nature.
Along the way Hawking and Mlodinow question the conventional concept of reality, posing a “model-dependent” theory of reality as the best we can hope to find. And they conclude with a riveting assessment of M-theory, an explanation of the laws governing us and our universe that is currently the only viable candidate for a complete “theory of everything.” If confirmed, they write, it will be the unified theory that Einstein was looking for, and the ultimate triumph of human reason.
